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New BioXclude Publication, Open Wound Approach for Horizontal Ridge Augmentation BioXclude + Initiation of Prospective Randomized Clinical Study to Confirm Observed Results

Why is BioXclude such a paradigm shift? It challenges many of the established tenets for successful dentoalveolar surgery.

Today, I am pleased to present clinical data challenging the concept that predictable and successful horizontal ridge augmentation requires primary closure when using BioXclude.

“Reduce Surgical Time, Tissue Trauma and Morbidity”

Erin Shan-Huey Yu
Lead author Dr. Erin Shan-Huey Yu (University of Michigan, Periodontics & Oral Medicine) summarizes it best: “The controlled open wound healing approach utilizing BioXclude may be applied in localized ridge defects to reduce surgical time, tissue trauma, and morbidity.”

This exciting research was published in the December 2020 issue of Clinical Advances in Periodontics. Snoasis Medical is eager to share this impressive article and our leased access allows complimentary review of this publication. Click to View Publication

Why is BioXclude such a paradigm shift? It challenges many of the established tenets for successful dentoalveolar surgery.

Today, I am pleased to present clinical data challenging the concept that predictable and successful horizontal ridge augmentation requires primary closure when using BioXclude.

“Reduce Surgical Time, Tissue Trauma and Morbidity”

Erin Shan-Huey Yu

Lead author Dr. Erin Shan-Huey Yu (University of Michigan, Periodontics & Oral Medicine) summarizes it best: “The controlled open wound healing approach utilizing BioXclude may be applied in localized ridge defects to reduce surgical time, tissue trauma, and morbidity.”

This exciting research was published in the December 2020 issue of Clinical Advances in Periodontics. Snoasis Medical is eager to share this impressive article and our leased access allows complimentary review of this publication. Click to View Publication

Courtesy of Hsun-Liang Chan, DDS, MS, Ann Arbor, MI
1. Preop
2. Preop
3. BioXclude placement
4. Non-primary closure
5. 4-month postop
6. 4-month postop

Courtesy of Hsun-Liang Chan, DSS, MS, Ann Arbor, MI
1. Preop
2. Preop
3. BioXclude placement
4. Non-primary closure
5. 4-month postop
6. 4-month re-entry

Hsun-Liang Chan
As our efforts continue to provide clinicians with data demonstrating the predictable results BioXclude offers in intentionally-exposed ridge augmentations, please consider this amazing case series as the first step, exhibiting: “BioXclude provides a layer of protection in case wound opening is inevitable” according to Dr. Albert Chan (University of Michigan, Periodontics & Oral Medicine).

"BioXclude Provides a Layer of Protection in Case Wound Opening is Inevitable"

Hsun-Liang Chan

As our efforts continue to provide clinicians with data demonstrating the predictable results BioXclude offers in intentionally-exposed ridge augmentations, please consider this amazing case series as the first step, exhibiting: “BioXclude provides a layer of protection in case wound opening is inevitable” according to Dr. Albert Chan (University of Michigan, Periodontics & Oral Medicine).

"BioXclude Provides a Layer of Protection in Case Wound Opening is Inevitable"

More data is coming! In December, Snoasis Medical started a prospective controlled randomized pilot clinical trial at the University of Michigan with principal investigator Dr. Hom-Lay Wang comparing open wound approach ridge augmentation with BioXclude (test arm), to use of collagen membrane with primary closure (control arm).
"Data Always Wins"
"Data Always Wins"
Thank you! Snoasis Medical continues to grow at an incredible pace, ten years running. I am extremely proud and happy that we are in the position to sponsor well-designed and expertly executed research projects, and we greatly appreciate your support. We love good research and science and firmly believe that data always wins.
Warm Regards,
Snoasis Medical

Robert Tofe
President and Founder